Sunday, February 14, 2010

Congratulation To Pregnant Why Is That People Feel The Need To Rub Pregnant Women's Belly?

Why is that people feel the need to rub pregnant women's belly? - congratulation to pregnant

I have over six months and began to appear, and I swear I was ten or more people just come to me today touch my belly. Do not even ask! Just BAM! "Oh, you're pregnant?" * * RUB touch ... "Congratulations!" It's ridiculous. I wonder if any of you ladies have had this problem and how to deal with it. BTW This is my first.


Sparkler... said...

I did not get the luck to me, but I've always been mentally prepared for it, because I heard it so often. One could look back to touch his belly and say "Thanks" ... its a difficult game, but I think it would send the message. You can also back up at her and fill your belly. In fact, send the message.

I think its rude but some people are really excited and not thinking stuff.mmWhat can not stand that people think just because you're pregnant, you want to hear you tell stories about her pregnancy, there is 20 years. I work with a woman who told me the same story again and again ... When I hear that their child was born by chanceon the anniversary of her husband and that all he really wanted ....' s I I'll scream!

What do you deal with these people ... Good luck!

Mummy to Dexter (05/01/2009) said...

Hey, I know exactly how you feel and what really bothers me! lol, I went into town on Saturday night by a group of friends, 21, IV, was very ill during my pregnancy when my friends out that I was forced to GFO lasted 2 hours, then I felt that I was fainting and vomiting, But the 10 or two of my friends have about 3 or 4 to continue to play and awwing and everything that was in the middle of the bar was really so excited over! If I rub my belly and how to search in the stomach lol i dont think so Gosh! Rant over * lol *

SexyArmy... said...

been there. I told them that I have a contagious skin disease. lol. not affect the most. I always ask first, anyway. I guess they want the baby was moving. I am 3 months and a "puff", and no wonder. oh well. He only has his hands on his belly a lot. when a stranger tell them, sorry, but I do not play. go.

Jbaby said...

i O God, and remember that it is very boring. Nice, there are several ways to do this. It uses a "hands on the belly" shirts and other crawl back into his belly. not the best proposals ... but fun.
all I can say is that your stomach is bad and u do not want to play ... One of the "joys" of pregnancy

Baby #2 is on the way!! said...

Yes, it's pretty boring. I felt good with my family and friends, playing my belly, but I hate it when strangers touch. Everbody I think that the way to try to approach the baby.

PR0UD M0MMY said...

Yes, I know how you feel .. It's a bit annoying ..

Amber G said...

I had a lady pick up my shirt and run the belly in the middle of Walmart puto! I was so angry!

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